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Platform for Natural Albania
Publikuar më 14 dhjetor, 2011 në orën 02:11 ( ) Dr. Koço Danaj | English |
Rrit madhësinë e shkronjave
The Platform for Natural Albania is compiled in harmony with the new regional/international reality and the new reality of the Albanian nation; the latter is living in two and a half states - Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and in the form of national minorities in Montenegro and Serbia.

The Platform is a 200 – page document. It will be released in 50 thosand copies in the Serbian, Greek, Macedonian and English languages.

The Foundations of the Platform for Natural Albania

- The Platform for Natural Albania is based on the pozitive heritage of Albanians from the Skanderbeg epoch onwards and on the experience of the League of Prizreni. The Lezha Convention in 1444 and the League of Prizreni in 1878 are considered and remain two milestones of the endeavours of Albanians to join one another and their own territory.

- In addition, the Platform is based on the decisions of the Assembly of Vlora that proclaimed the Independence of Natural Albania, but which is not current Albania. The present – day Albania, with the area of 28748 square km is a product of the Ambassadors‘ London Conference in 1913.

As far as its composition is concerned, the Assembly of Vlora and the subsequent emerging Provisional Government represented almost all Albanian lands, including the territories occupied by the armies of Balkan countries; this gave an all - Albanian nature to this Assembly. During the election of the Provisional Government, on 4 December 1912 and in the next two - three days, among the 63 delegates, 16 were from Kosovo, from its main center, Skopia and other towns, whereas 7 were came from Çamëria. Apart from Isa Boletini, who although had no state office was one of the closest associates for Ismail Qemali, members of this Government were also other personalities from Kosovo and other Albanian occupied lands - Vehbi Dibra (Agolli) in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee of the Wise, Mehmet Pashë Dërralla, Minister of Defence and Hasan Prishtina; the latter was afterwards appointed as Minister of Agriculture. Whereas in the Committee of the Wise of the Assembly of Albania, apart from Vehbi Agolli, the rest three members - Bedri Pejani, Sali Gjuka and Ajdin Draga were chosen from Kosovo and other eastern Albanian territories. In the Statements released and addressed to the Big Powers on 28 and 29 November 1912, I. Qemali, not unintentionally, laid the emphasis on this particular reality, declaring that the proclamation of Independence and the establishment of the Provisional Government were an Act by the National Assembly, with the participation of representatives from all Albanian lands, without distinction on the account of religion, region and ideas.

- The Platform is also based on the Documents of the Conference of Bujan held in 31 December 1943, which proclaimed that the unification of Kosovo with Albania would occur after the Second World War. The major points of this Conference are shown below:

1. Kosovo and Rrafshi i Dukagjinit ( The Plane of Dukagjin) are largely inhabited by Albanians.
2. The everlasting aspiration for the Albanians in Kosovo and in Rrafshi i Dukagjinit is to join Albania.
3. The best way for Albanians to join Albania is the shared fight with other peoples of Yugoslavia.
4. The Albanian people of Kosovo will have the opportunity to determine its own destiny as an outcome of the shared struggle against the occupier.
5. The determination of their own destiny does also include the right of self-determination to the breakaway point.
6. This right was granted by the great anti-fascist allies, thanks to the National – Liberation Struggle of Yugoslavia and Albania and in keeping with the pledges given by the Atlantic Charter as well as by the Moscow and Teheran Meetings.

- The Platform relies on the Oath of the fighters of the National Liberation Army (UÇK) in Kosovo, in their lands in the FYROM, and the Prescevo Valley. The oath considers the unification of Albanian lands as the hard core of their own struggle. The swear text of the UÇK fighter is as follows: „ I, the soldier of the National Liberation Army of Kosovo, swear to fight for the liberation of Albanian lands and their unification.“

- The Platform complies with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, which considers the unification of Albanians as a legitimate and a century- long aspiration. Its Preambule states the following: „ We, the people of Albania..............sharing the century –long aspiration of the Albanian people for national identity and unification..... the enshrinment of the right for national unification by Albania‘s Constitution, the endorsement of this right through a popular referendum, its acceptance even by the experts of the Venice Commission and lately by the NATO experts constitutes the underlying foundation for the project of the unfinished business of Albanians.

Why now?

- Because now the Albanian question succeeded to break out from the folkloristic frames, becoming Real Politik; it is only now that the Albanian question came out from the Big Power archives, being considered as a geopolitical reality, which needs a comprehensively reformatting and reconfiguration.

- Because Albanians have not accomplished their major mission yet. The Albanian League of Prizren has essentially remained unfinished business. The Uprising of Albanians in 1911-1912 is also Unfinished. The Independence of Albania was acknowledged and realized as such, only in a part of the Albanian territory. The other parts of the Albanian space have either remained, or they were annexed by other neighbour states of Albania and Albanians.

Likewise, what is called „ The National – Liberation Struggle“ during the World War II 1939-1945, has remained Unfinished Business; only that part of the war related to the notion „ liberation“ was finished; but the part related to the notion «national» has also remained Unfinished Business. Over half of the nation remains outside the borders of Albania.

- The Uprising of Albanians in Kosovo, which took its impetus early in 1998, has also remained Unfinished. It has succeeded only with Kosovo’s break from Serbia; however, it has failed in its second part, i.e. unification with the national mainland - Albania.

- The Uprising of Albanians in Macedonia in 2001 had the same destiny. It started as as a National – Liberation Uprising but ended up to human rights and freedoms for Albanians instead, accepting another state as Motherland for Albanians.

- Actually, the accomplishment of the mission by the Albanian political elite in the triangle Tiranë –Prishtinë -Tetovë has a strong supportive core; it is also a European notion.

Which is the historical supportive core for Natural Albania?

For almost a century, Albanians have been celebrating 28 November 1912 as their Independence Day. Meanwhile, the administrative boundaries were defined afterwards by the Ambassadors’ London Conference in July 1913; through its decisions, it broke up the Albanian soil into five parts.

All the following leaders - Ahmet Zogu, Enver Hoxha, Fadil Hoxha, Shaban Polluzha, Bedri Pejani, Ali Ahmeti, Menduh Thaci, Ibrahim Rugova, Fatmir Sejdiu, Mustafa Kruja, Mehdi Frasheri, Sali Berisha, Fatos Nano, Hashim Thaci, Alfred Moisiu Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku and others have not recognized the London Conference 1913 but only 28 November 1912.

In its turn, the International Community did not recognize 28 November 1912 and it defined the Albanian boundaries on 29 July; Albanians in their turn have not recognized the London Conference 1913; they acknoweledge only Natural Albania. However, they have not spoken out. Therefore, time has come to speak out, to provide arguements and to act NOW!

The Platform for Natural Albania takes account of the regional political reality.

At the current momentum, the Big Powers are also rectifying their own mistakes vis á vis the Balkan peoples and Albanians, in particular. Here are some of the corrections for the earlier mistakes that the big powers have made:

- Montenegro has regained the independence, which the Conference of Versailles violently denied in 1919;

- Bosnia has also regained the independence that the Conference of Versailles denied in 1919;

- It takes account of the fact that there are no taboo themes among regional political and democratic governments, including themes related to the hard core of the nations.

- The Platform for Natural Albania makes an in - depth analysis and takes into consideration the changes in the regional geo- politics - changes that go in favour of the Albanian nation, the re-adjustments to deviations produced by the conflicting past or even the corrections by the Big Powers themelseves.

What are the Instruments for Natural Albania?

- The instruments to make Natural Albania are dialogue and democratic debate.

- During a century, Albanians have shed as much blood as to make several „Albanias.“ Therefore, there is no need for more blood. The Platform relies on the motto: A dialogue with each and every one, a dialogue for everything and without prior decision on any issue.

Today, when the force of right takes priority over the force of might, it is high time for Albanians to demand their own national rights.

Accordingly, the Platform attaches priority to debate, dialogue, to respect for the essence of democracy, i.e. people’s self-determination and the need for a popular referendum, in particular.

Relations with Neighbours

- No one from the neighbours should have any fear from Natural Albania. Albanian nationalism respects the culture and traditions of neighbours; this nationalism does neither insult nor ignore ethnic nations and minorities; on the contrary, it respects them. Due to this single major ground, the nationalism of Albanians is nice, desirable, non-controversial and indispensable for regional stability; this sort of nationalism is a „Must“ for the future of our children, nephews and nieces. The Platform for Natural Albania accepts nationalism, but it rejects ethnocentrism. Natural Albania is a progressive and western european notion versus Ottoman reminiscences, which still survive in the space of the Albanian nation. The current situation of the state organization for Albanians is similiar to the Villajetes and feudal principalities dating to the Ottoman Empire period. While as a notion, Natural Albania follows the principles of the EU organization. Therefore, Natural Albania is a contemporary notion, whereas the present – day situation of Albanian territories is similiar to Ottomanism.

Natural Albania lies beyond political convictions

- Natural Albania requires a new unification - a unification unknown by Albanians before. Nonetheless, it does not seek this unification for the sake of power, but for the nation and the state. The demand for unification, both for the nation and the state, lies beyond political convictions; it goes beyond the right and the left; Natural Albania lies beyond political associations or different groupings. The power and its rotation need only debates on political alternatives among various parties.

- The partisans of Natural Albania do not cherish their longing or nostalgia for Ahmet Zogu but for the thousands of his followers; they do not cherish their longing or nostalgia for Enver Hoxha but for thousands of his supporters; they do not have a longing or nostalgia for Mitat Frasheri, but for the thousands of his supporters. They do not have a longing for Xhaferr Deva but for his supporters. They do not cherish any longing for Fadil Hoxha, but for his supporters instead. What they are so keen on, is Natural Albania, the unification of the alive; that is why they respect their myths of the dead. Through the lessons of history they want to set right the mistakes of yesterday and today and to ensure a future free from mistakes for their own nation.

What are the goals of Natural Albania?

- Natural Albania is designed to turn the Albanian nation, from a fire-fighter, as it is today, into a major peacemaker for the region of the Balkans. Regional peace and stability need peacemakers, not firefighters. Reducing the role of Albanian nation to that of a firefighter implies that one is predicting other fires in the region.

Natural Albania needs a London - 2

The Platform provides arguments on the need for another international Conference London – 2, aimed at correcting the mistakes of London – 1 vis á vis the Albanian nation, mistakes which the Big Powers have also acknowledged.

Today, there are a series of international agreements with a juridical power on the Albanian nation; yet, they are far from being natural. Thus, the following treaties remain artificial - The London Treaty 1913; The Treaty of Versailles 1919; The Yalta Accord 1945; the Agreement of Rambouillet 1999, The Agreement of Kumanova 1999; The Agreement of Koncul 2001, the Ohrid Agreement 2001. Seven agreements for a single nation!!! Their essence is to break up and simply „patch“ the Albanian question; yet, none of these agreements has sought a comprehensive settlement.

With these agreements, the Big Powers have devised an artificial region named Balkans. Afterwards, the artificiality of the region produced the political label for the Balkans - a Power – Keg. The two most artificial offsprings of this region are shown below:

The first was the establishemnt of the Serbo - Croatian – Slovenian Kingdom – Yugoslavia as it was called later.

The break–up of the Albanian nation, dividing it by five was the second most artificial offspring for this region.

Meanwhile, Yugoslavia’s dismemberment and disintegration was the first step in shifting from artificiality to naturalness. The founding of six permanent states and a provisional state - Kosovo is the first stage in transforming the Balkans from an artificial to a natural region. Its violent dissolution that reached its climax with the inter-ethnic war in Bosnia and with the Serbian genocide against Albanians in Kosovo is explained with the ultra-nationalistic character of the Serbian state and the political ill - sensitiveness of the Big Powers equally; the latter found it difficult to admit that their offspring named Yugoslavia was a débâcle.

The second stage is the unification of the Albanian nation, which now constitutes the second major artifice in the region. This stage is approaching the end of its first major act – the provisional state of Kosovo for Albanians.

Reformatting rather than “Patching” the Region

Natural Albania needs an International Conference. Nevertheless, it should not follow the pattern of Rambouillet, Koncul, Ohrid and others alike; the latter have simply attempted “patchwork ” for the Albanian nation. The region where the Albanian nation plays a major role needs reformatting and not just patching”. Therefore, only an international conference approching closer and more comprehensively to the problematic of the region can meet this goal. In terms of decision – making, this kind of Conference should be similiar to the London Ambassadors’ Conference 1913.

What is the significance of Natural Albania?

Natural Albania signifies welfare, dignity, peace and stability in the region. We owe all these to our children, nephews and nieces. Therefore, on their behalf and life, let us make it. Natural Albania means less and less Greeks, Macedonians, Italians, Albanian– originated Turks; it means more and more albanians with a European mentality.

Hence, on behalf of Albanians with European mentality, let us translate Natural Albania into a reality in the quickest possible terms.

The stages towards Natural Albania

- The formation of Natural Albania will go through a series of the following stages:

- The first stage is the initiation, on the part of the Presidency of the Republic of Albania of unification procedures under the Constitution of Albania. The Constitution is not disputable, it is binding for implementation. The President of the Republic of Albania and the President of the Republic of Kosovo should co-chair the Council of the Wise, composed with scholars and experts from all waks of life.

The first stage will be finalized with a request by the Assemblies of Kosovo and Albania on the necessity of unification through peaceful means.

- The second stage would be the founding of the Confederation Albania – Kosovo and consent for the right of Referendum.

At the same time, the request for the federalization of Macedonia should proceed. It should start with the modification of its name, calling it the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Eastern Albania.

As to the issue of the Albanians of the region of Çamëria, the sole and lasting solution is that the Greek state acknowledges the genocide over Albanians, implement the decisions of the Potsdam Conference 1945 and permit Albanians to turn back to their own territories.

- The final stage would be the unification of Albanians into a single state; it will have some ethnic minorities within its own territory, and some national minorities outside the territory of Natural Albania.

- after the publication of this Platform, in view of assisting the implementation of the above-mentioned stages, the Committee for Natural Albania will be set up, as a democratic association, with the participation of Albanians from the entire Albanian nation. The Committee will provide arguments and raise publik awareness on Natural Albania in the space of the Albanian nation, on the basis of democratic dialogue and debate.

The Committee of Natural Albania will also have its own newspaper named “ Populli” ( The People) The main motto of the Committee activity will be: “ If we do not unite today, we shall be watching the national disintegration tomorrow!!! All Albanian unification implies European spirit, regional peace and stability, equally. In the name of our children and their descenders, let us leave to them the motherland they merit, worthy to develop, live and multiply!”

Koco Danaj - Doctor of Political Science
Director of the Institute for Regional Forecast

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